Tools for enhancing online storytelling: Making the most of your tale

Have you ever found yourself wanting to tell your organization’s story “digitally”, but unsure how or even where to start? In this day of rapid technological changes and advances, we are fortunate to have a variety of useful tools at our fingertips that make online storytelling a simple – and fun – process.

The folks at, the non-profit marketing blog produced by care2, have put together a list  of tools for nonprofits in their post 4 Tools to Help Any Nonprofit Tell Stories Online. The author shares her insight on tools that have proven to add value to storytelling, including Historypin, Animoto, Posterous, and Storify. Check out these tools to see how they can help highlight your organization’s achievements, engage stakeholders, and inspire the community to action through your stories!

Click here to read the blog post on

For more information on digital engagement through stories (including links to free tools), visit TechSoup Global’s Digital Storytelling section.

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Issues & Ideas